Thursday, January 24, 2008

the press

It was a normal day and then my mom said that the news paper people were going to interview
me and take some pictures of me. They were going to write a story about me as well because this will be my first sled dog race.
When the reporters came to our house, the vet was there, too. My dogs were geting their shots and I was
going for my last practice run for the race. I was asked questions by the reporter and the guy taking pictures for the newspaper rode on the snowmobile with my dad while I drove the dog team.

My mom was with the vet and the dogs helping the vet examine dogs.
We had a lot going on at the same time.
After the reporters and vet left, I got to chop big hunks of meat for dog snacks.
It was a very busy evening.

My race is on Friday.


Julie Olson said...

Hey Michael - Good luck on the race this weekend. I am looking forard to hearing all about it.
Julie Olson

Liza said...

I can't wait to see it! We will be there!